Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ezra Standing Up!

Ezra has had some very exciting developments these last couple weeks. Among the most exciting is his pulling to stand! Here is a video of one of the first times he stood up in his crib! He is also pulling his knees under himself to combat crawl (one step closer to crawling!). And he is now signing about 20 signs in addition to his 6 spoken words.

He says: Ball Dada Mama Kiddie Dog Boo

He Signs: Dada Mama Grandpa Grandma Chris hi and bye Boat Eat Dog Kiddie Bird Fish Pray Love You Music More Up Hat Hair No all done milk thank you shoes

He has even started combining signs, like up Dada, or More music! We will have to see if we can get video of him signing for you! This litle boy is such a joy!!!
