Sunday, January 10, 2010

We are here! We are here! We are here!

So the bad people at Go Daddy deleted our blog, and our website because we owed them like 8 bucks. Bummer. But don't worry Ezra fans! We will use this blog for now to get back in business. What have we been up to? So much!

We had a lovely break and enjoyed Ezra's first Christmas thoroughly! He got some delightful toys from his loving family! Our most treasured is the wooden cricket xylophone handcrafted by Great-Grandpa Clay! It has mallets for antenae, and its legs move up and down when rolled along on his wheels. What a master woodworker he is, as evidenced by the photos. We hear that it takes more time and expertice to make a children's toy, than it does an entire house full of furniture. Thank you so much Grandpa and Grandma!
Ezra also loves his musical car keys and Big Hungry Bear Book from Grandma and Grandpa Cornelison. He takes them in the car on our trips. He also enjoyed his Christmas Lullaby's. He gets a huge smile on his face when we put him on the scooter from Aunt Jaque. And he shakes his shoulders to the music when he plays his drums from Grandma and Papa Jacobs. Our dear neighbors also gave him a baby MP3 player, which he loves! Thank you so much everyone for your generous gifts to Ezra (and his Mom and Dad too!).
Liam has determined that Christmas is for parents, not kids. I think he is right. We loved watching Ezra crinkle paper, smile, and play with all his new toys. Liam felt very Fatherly as he anxiously assembled and added batteries to various items for Ezra to play with.

We also had a lovely thanksgiving, going back, with Katie and Thomas and Pat and Annie and Family. Good food, and good times.

Halloween was spent at various trunk or treats where Ezra learned to Grab candies, and drop them in his bag. We all got so excited when he did this that he got overwhelmed and began to cry! Sweet Boy! We also went to Bishop Museums Treat Street with April and Nate and little Edison!

And life in general? Crazy! Liam is working very hard at both work and school! He is beginning his last semester towards his Masters, which is supposed to be even crazier than the one before (I can't imagine! I hardly ever saw him!) We are training for the Great Aloha run, an 8 mile race that I entered us in for Liams Birthday Present. Some Present huh?! Not sure what I was thinking.

Our 2010 goals?
-Better Budgeting
-Healthier Lifestyles
-More time on the Beach!
-More Compasion

We are still adding to the list, but this sums it up pretty well. Perhaps I should add blogging? Haha.

Well, now I have rambled and rambled making you all read a very long post. So I will end it here, and give you what you really want...Ezra pictures! So much love to you all! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  1. Yeah! So glad to have you up and running again! So mad at that bad website that lost all your past good stuff! Made me smile looking at all the pics! Love you all 3 so much!

  2. He is so big!!! I can't believe it! He is very handsome!!!!


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