Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is January over already?

Alright well, there goes January! And what a fun month it was. We went to the zoo with April and Edison. We enjoyed a vist from Grandma Marcia! Ezra got his first hair cut. We played in the pool. Went on a date to the Cheesecake Factory (one of our most favorites! Thanks for the gift Jared!) Fell in love with the Kahuku Grill. and Liam worked super hard as usual at work and school. Hope you enjoy the pics!


  1. ezra is too cute!!!
    love his hair!
    and my mom's name is marcia, too!! haha!!
    except she prefers 'marci'.

  2. oh my gosh he just keeps getting cuter and cuter!

  3. Jessica, that slide show thing is BRILLIANT. I love the pictures of Ezra in his sun glasses. It looks like he loved them as well! You guys are so great, thanks for coming to the Birthday party!

  4. Love the pictures! I had Camille look at them with me and she smiled when she saw pics of little Ezra! :) Love you guys!


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